Chakra Healing
CHAKRA Healing and Clearing
Chakra balancing is a holistic practice that aims to restore balance to the body’s seven energy centres, or chakras. The word “chakra” comes from Sanskrit and means “wheel”. In Hinduism and other belief systems, chakras are thought to be centres of energy in different parts of the body, each with a specific function, colour, and association with an element and organ. Chakra healing is based on the theory that tension, anxiety, and depression can result from imbalanced chakras and vice versa. Chakra balancing has been shown to enhance physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Enhanced physical energy, mood and vitality, less stress and anxiety, enhanced self-awareness, feeling balanced, empowered, clear thinking, feeling focused and spiritual development are a few advantages. Chakra healing can identify and release blocked chakras to activate profound energetic healing and improve wellbeing.
Your body’s energy centres can be realigned with the aid of dowsing, crystals, colour, and healing techniques. Helping to empower you. You remain clothed throughout this treatment and you leave with written report. 60 mins £45. 90 mins £60. 120 mins £80
Auras/Spiritual Art Auras Drawn and Read/Spiritual Guidance Approx 45 mins £45